
Profile: Economic / Fundamental Domain of studies: Economic Sciences / Bachelor Domain: Management / Study Program (Specialization):

  • Management (accredited cf. H.G. no. 978/2022)

Type of studies: Bachelor (Ist cycle Bologna)

Form of education: Daily courses (IF)

Duration: 3 years; European Transferable Credits (ECST/SECT): 180

Bachelor Diploma issued after the licence exam: Licenced in Economic Sciences

Diploma' Supplement: Certificate in Romanian and English in Management (it is issued at graduation, with the subjects studied and the grades obtained).

  • Management Student' Guide (18 pages): PDF
  • Support Platform for courses: Moodle
  • Educational plan - Management (2017-2020): PDF


  • National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education: RNCIS

Professional competences:

  1. Identify, analyze, and manage the elements that define the organization's internal and external environment by SWOT diagnose and analyze;
  2. Develop and implement strategies and policies of the organization;
  3. Elaboration and implementation of managerial system and its subsystems (allocation and reallocation of resources and activities);
  4. Identify, select and use forecasting, organization, coordination, training and control-evaluation methods;
  5. Fundamentation, adoption and implementation of decisions for small-scale organizations (as a whole or on a component);
  6. Utilizarea bazelor de date, informaţii şi cunoştinţe în aplicarea metodelor, tehnicilor şi procedurilor manageriale.

Transverse Competences:

  1. Applying the principles, norms and values of professional ethics within your own rigorous, efficient and responsible work strategy;
  2. Identifying roles and responsibilities in a pluri-specialized team and applying effective relationship and work techniques within the team;
  3. Identifying opportunities for lifelong learning and efficient use of learning resources and techniques for ones' own development.

Material Resources: Classrooms, Courses and Seminars rooms, IT Laboratories, Centers and Teams for Reasearch, an Accredited Publishing House, International Magazines, International Conferences, Student Symposia, Sports Hall, Sports Club, Internet Access, Moodle Platform, accommodation etc

Mandatory disciplines

Ist Year: Microeconomics, Mathematics, Informatics, Finance, Law, Macroeconomics, Management, Basics of Accounting, Statistics, Sociology, Foreign Language (English, French), Business Communication in Foreign Language.

IInd Year: Financial Accounting, Marketing, Econometrics, Public Finance, Economics and Enterprise Management, Production Management, Supply and Sales Management, Enterprise Finance, Databases in Economics, Public Management, Business Communication Foreign Language.

IIIrd: Simulations and Economic Projects, Project Management, Business Risk Management, International Management, Enterprise Assessment, Economic and Financial Analysis, Strategic Management.

Completion studies: license exam.

After graduation: Employment on a specialized post or / and continuation of studies in cycle II (masters at any university. At UAO: Human Resources Management - 2 years).

Possible occupations for the holder of the Bachelor's degree / Diploma Supplement

Possible occupations according to COR:

Assistant Research Economist in Management - 263113; Internal Auditor - 241105; Counselor / expert / inspector / referent / economist in management - 263101; Documentarist in logistic ordinance - 214137; Logistician in flow management - 214135; Quality Management Systems Manager - 325701; Operations Manager / Product Manager - 241226; Product Manager - 243104; Project Manager - 242101; Planner / specialist synthesis plan - 241255; Human Resources Specialist - 242314.

New occupations proposed to be included in COR:

Organization Manager; Entrepreneur manager; Domain Manager; Compartment Manager; Assistant manager with higher education; Management Advisor; Management Specialist (Planner, Organizer, Auditor); Management Consultant; Trainer in Management.


Profile magazines edited by UAO

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