Profile: Economic/ Fundamental Study Domain: Economic Sciences / Bachelor Domain: Accounting / Study Program (Specialization):
- Accounting and Management Information Systems (CIG, accredited cf. H.G. no. 978/2022)
Type of studies: Bachelor Studies (Ist Cycle in Bologna system), daily courses (IF)
Duration: 3 years; European Transferable Credit System (SECT/ECST): 180
- Education Plan - CIG (2017-2020): PDF
- CIG Student' Guide (20 pages): PDF
- Support Platform for courses: Moodle
Mandatory Disciplines
Ist year: Microeconomics, Mathematics, Informatics, Finance, Law, Macroeconomics, Management, Basics of Accounting, Statistics, Sociology, Foreign Language (English, French), Business Communication in a Foreign Language
IInd year: Financial Accounting I + II, Marketing, Econometrics, Public Finances, Economics and Enterprise Management, Business Finance, Databases in Economics, Public Management, Currency and Credit, Business Communication in a Foreign Language
IIIrd year: Accountancy of Public Institutions, Financial Control and Accountancy Expertise, Business Risk Management, Enterprise Assessment, Economic and Financial Analysis, Financial Audit, Comparative Accounting, Management Accounting
Completion of studies: Bachelor's examination (elaboration and support of a bachelor's thesis + oral exam)
Diploma acordată: Bachelor Diploma (Title awarded: Graduate in Economic Sciences)
Diploma Supplement: Attests in Romanian and English Language the specialization in Accounting and Management Informatics
After graduation: Employment on a specialized post or / and continuation of studies in the second cycle (master, 2 years)
Material resources: aules, courses and seminars rooms, IT laboratories, virtual company, research centers and teams, an accredited publishing house, 2 international magazines, 2 international periodicals, sports hall, sports club, internet access, accommodation etc.
Maximum number of places: 100
- Admission on fee-based places: based on the file (average from the baccalaureate exam)
- The number of places without a fee: it is established annually by CA-UAO.
Registration fee: 100 lei
Tuition fee: 500 euro / year (in 3 annual and unchanged rates throughout the 1st cycle)
Study contracts:
Profile magazines edited by UAO
e-learning Platform (remote access of courses)

For registration in the Agora University Moodle Platform, please complete the registration form by clicking Here
Free accounting program
- SAGA: http://www.sagasoft.ro/
Possible occupations according to COR (Romanian Occupation Catalog):
1. Database Administrator - 252101;
2. Credits Administrator - 241215;
3. Analist - 251201;
4. Price recovery / cost analyst - 241220;
5. Internal Auditor - 241105;
6. Internal Auditor in the public sector - 241306;
7. Censor - 241201;
8. Financial Guard Commissioner - 241202;
9. Financial and banking advisor - 241203;
10. Adviser / expert / inspector / referent in economic management -263106;
11. Budget Consultant - 241208;
12. Consultant in Informatics -251901;
13. Management controller - 241106;
14. Accountant-verifier expert - 241102;
15. Liquidator - 241218;
16. Banking officer (credits, marketing, banking products and services) - 241230;
17. Financial accounting specialist accountant - 241104;
18. Accountant reviewer -241103;
19. Tax Inspector (Higher Education);
20. Economist –accountant.
1. Practice in specialized units (accounting firms, banks, companies, institutions);
2. Practice in the Virtual Company of Agora University;
3. Participating in European projects with cash rewards;
4. Free mobility abroad through the Erasmus+ program;
5. Free attendance at summer schools in Europe and China;
6. Accommodation in hostel in Oradea or hotel in Baile Felix (at modest prices);
7. Possibility to be employed (courses scheduled in the afternoon).